07:30am - 9:00 am

Registration and Check In

08:00am - 8:45am

VIP Breakfast

09:00am - 9:15am

Nicole Rueth

Opening Remarks and an introduction to Project I see You

Session 1

Nick Sontonastasso: Victim to victor: Annihilate excuses to effortlessly dominate your goals

Most professionals are not living up to their full potential and falling short of their peak performance, whether it is with their finances, relationships, business or health. Running the same disempowering story in their head over and over, they are trapped in the negative cycle they created. Through his remarkable personal story, Nick shares how to realign

your focus on what you have and what you can control instead of what you’re lacking. You can create a new empowering story where you’re the hero instead of the victim and, as a result, have better relationships, improve your

finances, and become a better leader.

Session 2

Glennda Baker: Building your brand through video

15 minute break/stretch

Session 3

Clara Capano: Own your time like a ceo

Mindset is everything, and it is the only thing we can control. When you learn to control your mindset, you also control your energy, focus, and results. In this talk, Clara will guide you on how running your day with a CEO mindset will empower you to show up with more purpose, intention, and claraty for success.


45 minute lunch break

Lunch will be provided for all participants onsite.

Session 4

Danelle Delgado: No zero days : How To Never Be In The Same Pain Twice!

Every championship team was once inconsistent and inept. Every championship leader was once highly doubtful of their capabilities and needed help. Champions build strategies that they can count on to make winning guaranteed to set themselves apart.‍

While the world feeds what they are fighting, discusses defense and defends their doubts, Danelle is the world’s best at eliminating it and helping humans and teams champion their patterns, their performance and their progress.

Session 5

Logan Mohtashami: Is the Worst Over For The Housing Market?

Everyone is about to nerd out with the latest and freshest housing economic data, and I will discuss if the worst is behind us and why it isn't Housing 2008. We will review mortgage rates, the economy, inventory, home prices, housing credit, and why Housing can outperform during a recession. By the end of the presentation, you will know more about Housing than 99.9% of people on planet Earth.

Session 6

Amber Welch: Flip the script

Discover how to confidently compete with even the most experienced agents—whether you’ve sold zero homes or hundreds—without relying on a script. Learn the key questions that build instant rapport and uncover your client’s true motivation, drastically increasing your conversion rates. Say goodbye to cold calling and door knocking (unless that’s your thing) and grow your business in a way that feels authentic and natural to you. Most importantly, break the mold by defining your non-negotiables and creating a real estate schedule that actually works—one that aligns with your vision, not someone else’s.

15 minute break/stretch

Session 7

Will Guidara: How Giving People More Than They Expect Can Get You To #1

Will Guidara took Eleven Madison Park from a middling Brasserie to the best restaurant in the world when he realized something revolutionary - in a restaurant, the food, the service, and the design are simply ingredients in the recipe of human connection. When Will encouraged his team to be present with their guests, take what they do seriously without taking themselves too seriously, and employ a “one size fits one” strategy, magic happened. In this talk, Will shares why these lessons took EMP to #1, and how an unreasonable approach to the pursuit of human connection can help you win - and give people an experience they’ll remember forever.

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  • 303-214-6393

  • Infinity Park Event Center - Glendale, Colorado

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